Wednesday, February 6, 2008

fun stuff!

Good morning!
Fun stuff time! Today is all about stuff used in WRITING.... I want to go home and make a pen vae right NOW.

Yes, this is a flavored Bic cap...

just, erm, in time for Easter? It's a flocked pencil!!


I love posters... I always have. A poster makes a statement of what you are about and how you want people to portray you. I, however, want that statement to be "I have cool design posters"... LIKE THESE:

The first, the Vitra Design Museum Collection, I have been lusting over for years. Yes, furniture=lust. Available for $50 at DWR.

Second set is the Love Your Earth poster pack from ($38). Also pictured below are the Illustrated History of Rocking Chairs and the Illustrated History of Folding chairs, each $10 at This is a big, blatant hint to anyone in my family or friends that feels that I have been good and they want to get me something for Valentine's Day. Screw candy!